Experience the Thrill
When you come on a charter, I will be fishing 4 shark rods and a possible surf rod depending on the current and surf conditions. As you arrive, I’ll have three baits already soaking and will wait for you to fly the last bait out so you can see how the drone operates on a 800m drop. Once the reel starts going off, I will set the hook, pass you the reel and the fight is in your hands after that. Your welcome to fight the shark from the rod holder and pass the reel back and fourth among your party or strap into the harness to use your entire body weight and strength to fight the shark. Once it is close, I will pull it in and let you know when you can drop the rod and come down to see your shark. I will dehook, we will snap a quick picture and send the shark on its way. It’s a pure adrenaline rush from start to finish! All charters see subject to cancelation due to weather.
It’s called fishing, not catching but I can assure you that we will be in the best spot and using the best and freshest bait possible. I charge $120/h with a 4 hour minimum trip, 6 hour, 8 hour and 12 hour charter times. I will have a 10x10 canopy, enough chairs for the whole party, music of your choice, beverage of your choice, will order food straight to the beach on longer charters and would meet at 6PM on the beach in our spot.
We can also film and edit a video of your catch!